Removing a Keylogger or RAT[Remote Administrator Tool] from your PC

For doing this you need to start up system configuration, so start by clicking on 'start' then 'run' and type in 'msconfig.exe'. If you are using Windows 7, then you can go to system configuration by clicking on 'start' and then typing in 'msconfig.exe' in the search box. When you are on the System configuration, you will see a tab named 'Startup'. 
Click on that and you will see something like this.

Well for me, i dont have any rats or keyloggers on my computer at this moment. So i am unable to show you'll the exact example.

 So if any of you'll think that you are infected by a RAT or KEYLOGGER, then you will have to look under the MANUFACTURER tab and the STARTUP ITEM tab in the system configuration. 

If the name of the item in the STARTUP ITEM tab seems suspicious to you, then check whether it manufacturer is unknown or not. If it is unknown, then it has the chances of being a RAT or KEYLOGGER. So click on it and then disable it.

This is basically the general guide to removing RATS or KEYLOGGERS from your computer. 

Stay tuned for more tutorials.

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CamiXStudio said...

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